www.scheidung-bonn.com - schnelle und kostengünstige Online-Scheidung
www.scheidung-bonn.com - schnelle undkostengünstige Online-Scheidung

Divorce online in Germany – an overview

Divorce (Scheidung) in Germany:

– Under what conditions is a divorce in Germany possible?

– What is the procedure?

– How much does it cost?


Settling family law matters in Germany is always a considerable emotional burden for those affected. It is even more complicated in international family law cases where the parties involved may be uncertain in matters relating to German family law, the German legal system and other societal and cultural issues with which they may be unfamiliar. In such a situation, it is essential to have a skilled, experienced and committed legal adviser at your side as well as the necessary tact and sensitivity. In matters of international family law cases, such as the recognition of family law decisions from other jurisdictions and divorce cases that involve assets and properties in other countries, clear and precise communication is of paramount importance.

Whether it’s related to legal issues concerning marriage, divorce, paternity, surrogacy, adoption and international cases – Rechtsanwalt Günther is your reliable legal partner in Germany regarding expert solutions in German family law matters. Our legal team will advise you at every step of the German family law process and support you in realising your plans and enforcing your rights and claims under German law.

Please do not hesitate to contact us today to find out more about our services.


In order to file for divorce online with Guenther Attorneys at Law, all you need to do is fill out the divorce form found on our website. You can do this from the comfort of your own home, without having to make an appointment with us.
After filling out the form, you add all the relevant documents that are required in addition to the form. You then send the form together with these documents to Sthe Law Office. It is up to you whether you send us the form with the documents by e-mail, by mail or by fax.
Based on the information you provide in the divorce form, we will draft a divorce petition for you free of charge and without obligation. In addition, we will calculate for you the divorce costs that you can expect to incur in the course of your divorce proceedings. Only after you have received the draft divorce petition with the expected divorce costs back from us, you can decide whether you want us to carry out the divorce for you.
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Rechtsanwalt Dr.Th. Günther

Rosental 98, 53111 Bonn

Tel.: 0228 / 24035038

        0177 / 4153173 (24 h)

WhatsApp: 0177/4153173

Fax: 0228/ 92934811



oder anwalt.tog@gmail.com


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Divorce in Germany

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